Creating Redis Cluster from sticks and stones: Ansible based cross-cloud deployment
First, I already had a two stopped Azure instances and ansible inventory file:
cat myazure_rm.yaml
plugin: azure_rm
- cord19demo
auth_source: cli
- prefix: tag
key: tags(base)
Two other instances I created manually by hands and corresponding inventory file:
ansible_ssh_host: {{public_ip_address}}
ansible_ssh_port: 22
ansible_ssh_user: "alex"
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "/home/*"
ansible_ssh_host: {{public_ip_address}}
ansible_ssh_port: 22
ansible_ssh_user: "alex"
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: "/home/*"
#FIXME: formatting above botched
Check that both inventory files working properly:
ansible all -m ping -i myazure_rm.yaml
ansible all -m ping -i postgresql/azure_instance.yaml
Assign all nodes into the same zerotier network:
$ ansible-playbook -i ./myazure_rm.yaml ./zerotier-play.yaml
$ ansible-playbook -i ./azure_instance.yaml ./zerotier-play.yaml
And where is my hetzner box? Ah, in the wrong network.
ansible-playbook -i ./postgresql/development.yaml ./postgresql/zerotier-play.yaml
Create two GCP instances
ansible-playbook create_gce_vm_corrected.yml
ansible-playbook create_gce_vm_corrected2.yml
see the previous post for the code samples. Check we are up:
ansible all -m ping -i instances.gcp.yml
And enroll GCP nodes into the same Zerotier network:
ansible-playbook -i instances.gcp.yml ./zerotier-play.yaml
And get list of all nodes from Zerotier:
$ curl -s -v --header "Authorization: bearer {{auth_token}}"{{network_id}}/member | jq . > network_list.json
$ jq ".[] | .config | .ipAssignments[0]" network_list.json
now I have a list of IP addresses of all my nodes. And it was only warm-up, interesting part starts.
Create docker redismod.yml grab it from Gist. Why docker based Redis deployment? Current modules not playing well together with default vendor (Ubuntu) based Redis and also it’s very not trivial to change default dir using system conf. Wrapping it all into one docker makes it easy to deploy.
See gist and also create template:
cluster-enabled yes
cluster-config-file nodes.conf
cluster-node-timeout 5000
appendonly yes
dir /data
bind {{ ansible_ztnfallfvg.ipv4.address }}
loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/
loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/
loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/
loadmodule /var/opt/redislabs/lib/modules/
stop-writes-on-bgsave-error no
Template relies on zerotier IP address and also docker started with “host” network. Zerotier network interface name is a network-specific, so you may have to change {{ ansible_ztnfallfvg }} in redis.conf and in docker yaml. (check ifconfig or ansible network debug information).
Just to make sure all 7 nodes have same Redis conf and redis:
ansible-playbook -i ./myazure_rm.yaml -i instances.gcp.yml -i ./development.yaml -i ./azure_instance.yaml docker_redismod.yml
If something broke fix it :), I need to figure out better way to grab Zerotier IP address for ansible, but it will have to wait another day.
Now the missing bit: you have Zerotier network, nodes with Redis install, but you can’t ping or connect to nodes unless your machine is part of the same network. Join via zerotier cli or GUI, make sure Auth is ticked on
Create redis cluster using redis-cli command or (pip install
redis-cli --cluster create
I messed this part up — due to remains of old two nodes from previous Redis cluster deployment, so I had to spend a few hours recovering until I found a rescue command rescue --new-addr --existing-addr
Next to get things actually done.
Written on May 13, 2020 by Alex Mikhalev.
Originally published on Medium