Geared Spacy: Building NLP pipeline in RedisGears

Initially, I only planned to use Redis Cluster as one large in-memory store/database, store all article ids in the set corresponding to the pipeline step and then run: for each article_id in a set, apply next step in the pipeline, save id into next set. Potentially explore nomad to distribute compute.

Next few steps are memory demanding and I mean it, but the temptation to use RedisGears to distribute calculation over Redis Cluster with no effort on my side was too great. I even didn’t finish watching Tutorial, when I started coding (hint: watch the tutorial first). Inspired by the quick success of language detection I decided to add spacy and small English model into dependencies:


Doesn’t look much — spacy is 10MB download and smallest English model 90 Mb.

The picture is different if you import both:

Spacy consumes(reserves) 1GB RAM just on import model (small one), above is a plot of simplest spacy test:

import spacy


it will only raise to 1.2 GB if I start processing (with one item). At this stage in NLP pipeline, I only need to turn paragraphs into sentences and I want to use only Dependency Parser from spacy, so I will disable the rest:

nlp=spacy.load(‘en_core_web_md’, disable=[‘ner’,’tagger’])

Memory consumption didn’t change — it’s still 1.2 GB RAM for processing paragraphs, the question will RedisGears cope?

Redis trivia: do you know how large Redis source code and binary?

It coped surprisingly well:

import spacy 
nlp=spacy.load('en_core_web_md', disable=['ner','tagger'])

def remove_prefix(text, prefix):
    return text[text.startswith(prefix) and len(prefix):]

def parse_paragraphs(x):
    #make sure we only process english article
    lang=execute('GET', 'lang_article:' + x['key'])
    if lang=='en':
        paragraphs =x['value']
        for each_sent in doc.sents:
            execute('SET', sentence_key, each_sent)
        execute('SADD','processed_docs_stage2_sentence', article_id)
        execute('SADD','screw_ups', x['key'])

gb = GB()

The simple script above submitted via redis-cli into cluster


gears-cli --host --port 6379 --requirements requirements_gears_spacy.txt

echo " finished in $SECONDS seconds."

The original version didn’t have gb.count in it and was returning all processed records back to the client (all 11 GB), this is where I was running out of patience and/or bandwidth. Thanks to meirshandRedisLabs forums time processing time was reduced down to a reasonable 30 minutes.

Next step is also memory hungry — tokenisation and Gavin D’mello had a crack on it, but discussion on forums sparked some thoughts: I was coming with data science hat on — we have a data frame in, it’s all batch. But if you think about the NLP pipeline, only the first step — intake is batch. The rest of the pipeline doesn’t really care whether it’s batch or event-driven, steps would be the same and I can leverage more of the good code and work of RedisLabs team inside RedisGears, back to drawing boards.

Written on May 19, 2020 by Alex Mikhalev.

Originally published on Medium

Dr Alexander Mikhalev
Dr Alexander Mikhalev
AI/ML Architect

I am highly experienced technology leader and researcher with expertise in Natural Language Processing, distributed systems including distrbuted sensors and data.