Obsidian to Notion sync — manual import export

If you are a developer or engineer you normally have a multiple enviroments: vs code to work on a code, Typora to edit markdown file and then Obsidian/Roam Research to take your notes and Notion (Coda) or Confluence to share it with your team. It’s it confusing?

In debate which is the better tool, my answer is — the one which allows you to integrate it with another. This is why I prefer Obsidian over RoamResearch, plan markdown I can import into Notion and then share with my collegues and then export back. Here is how:

pip install notion md2notion

Get notion token as per guidance in Unoficcial Notion Python Client and create a fresh workspace for experiment (mine is called Obsidian World), get workspace URL by clicking on Share button and “Copy link”

python3 -m md2notion notion_token https://notion.so/workspace_url  World/*.md

which is times out for me or throws 500 error at the moment. There is an official Markdown import, which can be used instead, but it fails for me too :(

Fetching data from notion to markdown is easier via this gist you need to export NOTIN_TOKEN and export NOTION_ROOT_PAGE_ID=https://notion.so/workspace_url and it will fetch clean new obsidian world from Notion Workspace. Be careful with existing Obsidian world - the script will wipe a destination folder.

Written on January 19, 2021 by Alex Mikhalev.

Originally published on Medium

Dr Alexander Mikhalev
Dr Alexander Mikhalev
AI/ML Architect

I am highly experienced technology leader and researcher with expertise in Natural Language Processing, distributed systems including distrbuted sensors and data.